NCHCA celebrates success at AGM and prepares new resources and programs

An Ottawa Police explosives sniffing dog catches the scent under the table where NCHCA directors sat at the association's annual general meeting

The National Capital Heavy Construction Association (NCHCA) reported growth and success in its 2018 fiscal year at its Annual General Meeting on April 4.

Incoming president Stephen Goodman said the association’s membership increased by approximately 10 per cent during the year, with 18 new and associate members.

The NCHCA is implementing a three-year business plan, which will include a series of informal President’s Breakfasts along with new resources for members including a Vender Performance Management (VPM) Best Practices for Contractors Guide, a community goodwill project, and a new student co-op program. The association will also continue to extend and expand its educational programs.

Treasurer Ray Shannon reported that a $14,569 deficit, only slightly higher than the budgeted $12,000. The association plans a balanced budget for 2019. Despite the deficits in 2018 and 2017, the NCHCA has healthy finances, with net assets of $224,332.

Andre Brunet, co-chair of health and safety committee, recognized 10 monthly safety award winners, saying the 2018 Annual Safety Award would go to Aecon Construction Ontario East Ltd. for the actions of dump truck driver Glenn Mulligan, who recognized that additional truck turning signage was needed beyond the regulatory site safety standards.

Executive board members for 2019 include Goodman, a consulting engineer with GEMTEC
Consulting Engineers and Scientists Limited; past-president Stephen Turner, Ottawa Residential Consultants Inc; first vice-president Darrin Alberty, Tomlinson – Sewer and Watermain; second vice-president, Steve McEachen, Aecon Construction Ontario East Ltd., and treasurer, Jim Flegg, Louis W. Bray Construction Limited.

Directors are: John DeKroon, K.C.E. Construction Ltd.; Brad Gooderham, Coco Paving Inc.; Brian Lane, Taggart Construction Limited; Paul Lemire, C.A.C.E. Construction (1991) Ltd.; Chris Lesaux, Wolseley Waterworks Group; Dave McClure, Toromont Cat; Domenic Madonna, Ottawa D-Squared Construction Ltd.; Joel McIntyre, R. W. Tomlinson Limited; Dave Meikle, Thomas Cavanaugh Construction Limited; Nick Regalbuto, LDC Precision Concrete Inc.; Leon Switzer, Front Page Media Group; and Bob Watson, Marathon Underground Contractors.

As well, Edson Donnelly of Novatech Engineering represents the Consulting Engineers of Ontario and Jeff Mulcock of Taggart Construction represents the Ontario Sewer and Watermain Construction Association, as non-voting board members.

AGM guest speakers included Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson and representatives from Ottawa Police’s canine unit, who explained how police dogs are selected, trained and deployed. Two dogs successfully demonstrated their explosive sniffing and suspect biting capacities.

Members and guests enjoyed a reception and dinner at the Centurion Event Centre.


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